

The Game is designed to participate in Global Game Jam 2023 at KrakJam onsite event. GameJam theme: " The Roots". After a lot of brainstorming, we picked a quite direct attempt at the game theme making a game about a tree stump that goes on his mission to ruin a neighbouring lumber camp seeking revenge after his forest was cut down.

Technical specs

Unity C# project for singleplayer, arcade, WebGL game.


Input: WASD to move, shift to run, F to interact with objects. You can pick up small tools/materials to interrupt lumberjacks' work, you can grow roots on bigger machines to slow their work and get points. Lumberjack enemies have different behaviours: their default working path starts on cutting down trees, taking logs to log stacks, taking logs to the sawmill to make planks and carrying planks to cars or chipping machines to provide profit. The game level ends once the player loses all health or after getting the required score level.


2,5d, vector digital artwork.


Image shows tree stump player running away from lumberjacks in IAmRoot minigame Image shows ingame isntructions in IAmRoot minigame Image shows win game screen in IAmRoot minigame


IamRoot at Itch.io

IamRoot at GlobalGameJam

IamRoot at Github

Development log

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